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Turning Dreams into Digital Realities: Empowering Advocates of Fairness and Sustainability with Innovative Solutions

Benefit from comprehensive services for setting up, integrating tools, optimising, and maintaining your website for growth

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Author and Speaker

Christime M Thomas

French Education Charity

FLAM Monde

Leadership development consultant and coach

Natacha Wilson from Cambridge Insights

Maintenance and Support: Ongoing website maintenance and support.

Booking System: Integrated with Google Calendar and Stripe for payments.

Collaboration: Worked with Harmony Design Studio to redesign the blog post gallery.

Eco-friendly Hosting: Transferred domain, WordPress installation, and email accounts to GreenGeeks, an eco-friendly provider.

French Online Teaching Platform

Gabriela Viana from Envol Linguistique

Website Creation: Developed the website in collaboration with Lynda from Harmony Design Studio for graphics.

eLearning Platform Setup: Configured course structure and proofread associated eBooks and web pages.

Booking System: Integrated Google Calendar and Stripe payment system, later switched to a new system for multi-collaborator support.

Website Translation: Translated the website into English and Portuguese with an easy-to-use tool.

Design and Integration: Designed blog post gallery, individual posts, and integrated Google Reviews and Instagram Posts on the homepage.

Maintenance and Support: Ongoing website maintenance and support.

Ancient Mesopotamia Games & Teaching Tools

Marie Besnier from Esagil Games

I want to express my gratitude to all my clients for placing their trust in me.